IT Consultation

iMatter provides digital consultation and implementation services in its entirety. We not only narrow down the departments / areas of your business that needs immediate attention in terms of digitization but also make sure our changes turns out to be a value proposition for you. In short, we do not blindly and randomly infuse digital strategies in your organization. Moreover, every change is carefully studied and a feasibility report is generated before building partnerships and introducing digital technologies.

iMatter – Business transformation that creates newer opportunities

The core idea behind digital transformation is not just to speed up and secure business processes and documentation. It is also about leveraging from these changes to improve, enhance and synergise -

  1. Production and distribution.
  2. Reduce redundancy and increase efficiency.
  3. Build stronger network of customers and vendors.
  4. Synergise various functions and resources.
  5. Provide customized reports using data mining / data analysis.

iMatter provides digital tools and technology solutions that can be easily integrated into your current business system/s and process hierarchies. While some of them are open source, others can be exploited as SaaS - a software licensing and delivery model. In fact, we make sure our customers subscribe only those services which have been mentioned in the feasibility report and therefore our digital transformation models are highly effective and value based.

Consultation first - Implementation later -

iMatter creates a feasibility report for digital transformation before implementing changes in businesses. These include -

  1. Up-skilling employees in terms of creating a pool of efficient “Digital Employees”.
  2. Hiring and on boarding dedicated technology experts to boost business bottom line.
  3. Introducing learning programs and creating dedicated study material for modernised business systems and applications.
  4. Making sure the transition is smooth and without production / distribution / process bottlenecks.
  5. Digital changes that provide “Real” and not “Virtual” benefits.

Our mantra is to create digital automation model which is highly optimized in terms of human and technological resources. Value addition forms the basis of every change. At iMatter we make sure organisations recover their “Digital Transformation” investment over a shorter timeline. Connect with us if your business is performing sluggishly, and constant delays and holdups are hampering your growth plans. Share your pain points—you will be surprised at how little it costs to overcome these teething troubles.

Assess your business potentials and find opportunities for bigger success