Web And Mobile App Development

iMatter designs and builds enterprise class web and mobile applications using state of the art technologies. Our focus has always been to deliver apps that -

  1. Boast rich user interface and offer an equally satisfying user experience.
  2. Score high on performance parameter.
  3. Nonintrusive, secure and scalable.
  4. Guarantees stable and seamless environment.

iMatter - Connect for Native App Development

Our native app development team exploits latest technologies and languages such as Swift or Objective-C for iOS mobile applications and Java / Kotlin for Android version. These are some of the most popular platforms / development environments that help design and build world class mobile applications for a wide range of domains such as ecommerce, media streaming, fintech, hospitality and insurance to name a few.

Looking for Hybrid Mobile App Development Solutions?

Talk to us for your hybrid mobile app development needs. We have dedicated teams for each flavour. This translates into applications which are highly appreciated and downloaded, fetching 5 stars on Play Store and Apple Store.

We exploit Flutter, Google’s open-source toolkit to build seamless, high performing, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop and embedded devices, and this is achieved through a single codebase. Our programmers are proficient in embedding supplementary widgets such as Unity for 3D gaming applications. Flutter unity 3D widget works seamlessly with Android, iOS, Web and Windows platforms.

React Native is yet another application development tool which iMatter exploits to the fullest. Using highly responsive and light weight JavaScript framework, UI, Libraries and Widgets we build secure, scalable and robust mobile applications which become instant hit. For games, simulations and visualizations our development team uses Unreal—a 3D Game Engine that offers unmatched options and possibilities.

Progressive Web App Development -

Our PWA development catalogue includes, Custom App Development and Progressive Web Design. Although we use common web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web-Assembly, our apps are compliant with all the major browsers, and perform extremely well across all the Operating Systems.

Assess your business potentials and find opportunities for bigger success