Robotic Process Automation

iMatter's robotic process automation (RPA) is not just a set of randomly selected software, it is a well-thought, well-planned, and seamlessly integrated state of the art technologies that offer a host of benefits. Some of these include -

  1. Robotic system that communicates with other programmed software for easy monitoring, management and deployment.
  2. Organizations can actually experience instant improvement in efficiency, productivity and responsiveness.
  3. Our robotic process automation reduces redundancy and thereby increases employee satisfaction.
  4. We implement RPA that reduces process failures because it offers future pain points in the form of early warning signals.
  5. Mass actions such as emails, data gathering and processing, large vendor management and scores of repeatable tasks are easily and quickly executed and that too with just a few clicks of the mouse. That is the power of our RPA bots.
  6. RPA is a unique digital force which can be easily integrated into your current business environment, without disrupting the on-going processes and systems.

iMatter RPA Implementation - Salient Features

Increased Productivity -

Today, every domain operates along a complex set of workflow processes which also includes accounting, communication and marketing. In such a scenario, organizations increase the staff to perform mundane tasks every day. It results in burnout, dissatisfaction and increased attrition. RPA improves efficiency, reduces staff monotony and thereby employee erosion. This is especially true in services industries where documentation forms an integral part of business. In such a scenario RPA automates form filling, processing, communicating and parsing emails.

Integration - An Absolute Joy

Unlike many service providers, iMatter team first analyses your business model and its modalities. Based on the process / workflow hurdles a plan is designed. This includes choosing some of the best Robotic Process Automation system. This could be setup in-house or on the cloud depending of the complexity of your business. A complimenting set of software ( Generic or Enterprise ) is then integrated into your existing system, seamlessly or with just a few tweaks. There is almost zero loss in terms of productivity.

Scale up -

The beauty of our RPA is its scalability factor. It is not another one-size-fits-all software technology. Businesses can opt for minimum automated services and resources and then scale up as they grow. The idea is to pay for the services which are essential to your current growth plans. This feature allows even small enterprises to exploit RPA at an attractive price point. We highly recommend that you get in touch with us for a free quote.

AI Inclusive -

iMatter implements and integrates Monitoring and Automation system which is embedded with AI features. Each of these plays a crucial role in niche domains. Financial and insurance businesses can exploit our services to minimise frauds, improve settlement timeframe, remove documentation hiccups and reduce human intervention. These are some of areas where our services have made a big impact.

The cost of RPA integration is easily and quickly recoverable. The moment our system integration is complete your business efficiency spikes. Human errors and losses resulting from the same vanish, process and documentation chores are accomplished faster while reduced staff improves the bottom-line through savings in salaries. All this leads to an impressive ROI.

Assess your business potentials and find opportunities for bigger success